• Recently I was lucky enough to be able to take a day and travel to Boston, one of my favorite cities. I want to share with you some things that I saw and experienced that would be useful to the newbie traveler.

    Here are some of the things You can expect to find here:

    • About
    • Practicalities
    • Lodging
    • Stories of my personal experience in each place
    • Other things to do while in that area

  • I had a lot of very enjoyable moments on my last trip to Boston, most notably the Concert I went to see. However there was an unexpected highlight of my trip. This was my last minute decision to visit the New England Aquarium.


  • The biggest stress factors with any trip are things like: finding a reasonably priced place to stay, parking for your vehicle, and traveler friendly food and restaurants. I know that as soon as the initial excitement about my trip dies down a little, these things are the first things to pop into my head and they are consistently stressful until everything is all planned out.


  • Boston (in my opinion) is one of the nicest cities that I have ever visited. As someone who has spent a lot of time in New York City, Boston is a much more breathable and overall more clean city.

    Between the beautiful historic architecture and the bustling streets, parks and walkways, this city has always felt a perfect fit for me. Being an individual that enjoys a combination of urban marketplaces and calm outdoor scenery, there is a lot in this city with that kind of vibe. On a typical day you’ll find plenty of cyclists and people walking their dogs around, and by night the city is totally alive and buzzing.

