The biggest stress factors with any trip are things like: finding a reasonably priced place to stay, parking for your vehicle, and traveler friendly food and restaurants. I know that as soon as the initial excitement about my trip dies down a little, these things are the first things to pop into my head and they are consistently stressful until everything is all planned out.
Allow me to make some recommendations and if you’re anything like me it will hopefully alleviate some of that pre-trip stress.
Top Hotels in the greater Boston area
While these are lovely options, if you’re looking for a more cost effective option, I would suggest booking with Airbnb. This is how I personally usually travel, just try and book with a super host whenever possible to avoid some of the downsides of using a service such as airbnb. However don’t let the scary stories on the news put you off to it too much, I have yet to have a bad experience with the service.